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I help you transform your life with a deep, practical, science-based approach.

About me

J. Francisco Mauro

MN: 78841

I am as spiritual as I am pragmatic; as existentialist as I am decisive. I am passionate about putting the power of the concrete at the service of personal development. I want you to recover your vital energy: My goal will be to enhance your own resources and teach you how to manage them so that you can recover your autonomy.

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    Not even the most beautiful flower can bloom in the desert

    I like to understand suffering not as a problem, but as a sign that something in the environment does not allow us to develop naturally. Thus, I do not believe that the focus of therapy is on correcting internal "defects" or learning to tolerate suffering. My proposal is to understand what, in our environment, is limiting our well-being. Not even the most beautiful flower can bloom in the desert.

    My work does not seek to transform the person directly, but rather that personal development will occur as a consequence of having transformed the context. This is the systemic approach, where the focus is not on the person as an isolated entity, but on their relationship with the environment. In this way, we can get rid of feelings of guilt and empower ourselves to take the necessary action to see a change.

    Once we are ready for change, the strategic model comes into play, which helps us turn our objective into something concrete and achievable. We will establish short, clear and achievable goals, so that we can notice and measure our progress in the proposed direction.



    Strategic Brief Therapy is a psychotherapeutic model developed in California (USA) with the aim of producing rapid and effective changes. Its approach is based on problem solving in a structured manner, which allows a wide variety of difficulties to be addressed in a short time, generally in less than ten sessions. Its effectiveness has been validated over decades of research, demonstrating that therapeutic work can be brief without losing depth or effectiveness.

    Unlike other approaches that prioritize prolonged internal exploration, this model focuses on the application of concrete strategies in daily life. Therapy is not limited to the consultation space, but requires active engagement on the part of the patient to implement specific actions outside of the session. Introspection is valuable, but without direct intervention in the environment, change becomes slow and uncertain.

    Each session becomes a space for analysis and adjustment, where the effectiveness of the applied strategies is reviewed, progress is evaluated and interventions are refined based on the results obtained. It is also an opportunity to explore the emotional response of the client to the changes being implemented. This approach makes the patient the protagonist of their own transformation process, providing them with practical tools to modify their environment and generate sustainable well-being over time.


    3 key concepts that characterize systemic-strategic therapy


    Many times there is no problem with the person, but rather the environment in which they find themselves does not allow them to be who they are.

    Identifying what in the environment is limiting well-being is the first step to transforming the situation.


    Therapy is not based only on understanding the problem, but on concrete interventions that can be applied in everyday life. The recipe must be changed: without action, there is no transformation.


    The goal is to generate real and visible changes in the shortest possible time. We do not want the patient to adapt to the problem, but rather to reconfigure their environment so that well-being occurs naturally.

    Systemic Approach

    The problem is not in the person, but in his relationship with the environment

    Suffering is not an internal defect or a problem that "resides" within the person, but rather a consequence of his or her interaction with the context. Instead of focusing on changing the person, we will work on transforming the context that gives rise to suffering.

    Brief Therapies

    Change happens through action, not just understanding

    Transformation does not happen only through introspection and understanding of the causes, but through the implementation of concrete strategies in everyday life. The patient is actively involved, applying tools outside the session to generate real changes in their environment.

    Strategic Model

    Short, clear and measurable goals for tangible progress

    The strategic model translates objectives into small, concrete and achievable steps, allowing progress to be assessed in each session. This prevents the therapeutic process from becoming abstract or indefinite, ensuring progress in the proposed direction.

    Formaciones Complementarias




    Mi enfoque personal parte de la idea de que las crisis no son obstáculos, sino puntos de inflexión que nos acercan preguntas en relación con el propósito, el sentido de la vida o el miedo a la muerte, entre otras. En lugar de evadir estas cuestiones, las abordo como una oportunidad para generar claridad y transformación. Acompaño a quienes buscan construir una vida más auténtica, no basada en respuestas externas, sino en elecciones conscientes que les permitan vivir con mayor profundidad y significado.


    ​Nutrición Clinica

    Este estudio de posgrado me permite entender cómo la alimentación influye en el equilibrio emocional, la energía y la motivación. Ansiedad y depresión no son solo experiencias psicológicas, sino estados que también pueden estar condicionados por la química del cuerpo. Desde este enfoque interdisciplinario, combino herramientas terapéuticas con estrategias nutricionales, ayudando a generar cambios sostenibles que impactan tanto en la mente como en el cuerpo.


    Primeros Auxilios Psicologicos 

    Gracias a esta formación puedo intervenir de manera efectiva en situaciones de crisis emocional, ofreciendo herramientas para gestionar el impacto del estrés agudo, la ansiedad y el trauma. En momentos de vulnerabilidad, una respuesta adecuada puede marcar la diferencia entre la desorientación y la recuperación. Este enfoque me permite brindar acompañamiento inmediato, ayudando a la persona a recuperar estabilidad y prevenir consecuencias a largo plazo.

    Book your Consultation

    Contact me to clear up any doubts and start the process

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